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This page displays samples of my products, which I sell at markets in and around Victoria, BC.

To purchase, visit my Square store or contact me directly. I offer local delivery or pickup.

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Animal Puzzles

The puzzles are cut from 3/4 inch poplar, then treated with mineral oil. They are approximately 7 x 5 inches.

I also honour our pet pals in a variety of other wood products such as magnets and ornaments. Regional animals are featured in puzzle rings.

Bunny ‘n’ Babies Puzzle

The bunny and babies puzzle has twins at its core. It’s super cute at just eight pieces, isn’t too challenging for younger folks. Disregard the frames where it seems I am somewhat challenged by it!

Book Safes

I’ve converted several hardcover books like Heidi, the Bobbsey Twins, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, A Series of Unfortunate Events, into light reads. A great place to stash your swag is where no one will think to look!

Bracelets and Anklets

I made bracelets and anklets by threading and knotting black, brown, or blue cords through glass or wood beads in a rainbow pattern — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. I harvested most of the hasps from old clothes, but some are newer cute plastic buttons.

Scrabble Jewelry

I saw an ad one day. The ad read: Free Scrabble tiles! Well who in their right mind would give away such gold rather than, say, keep a few extra tiles for those games where all you’ve got are seven vowels, or seven consonants? Despite that being a fantastic use for extra tiles, I decided it’d be fun to make jewelry.

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